Python code for African Vulture Optimization

# import packages

import random

import time

import numpy as np

rng = np.random.default_rng()

import math

import sys

from numpy import linalg as LA

import numpy as np

import math

Supporting functions

def fun(X):

    output = sum(np.square(X))+random.random()

    return output

# This function is to initialize the Vulture population.

def initial(pop, dim, ub, lb):

    X = np.zeros([pop, dim])

    for i in range(pop):

        for j in range(dim):

            X[i, j] = random.random()*(ub[j] - lb[j]) + lb[j]

    return X

# Calculate fitness values for each Vulture

def CaculateFitness1(X,fun):

    fitness = fun(X)

    return fitness

# Sort fitness.

def SortFitness(Fit):

    fitness = np.sort(Fit, axis=0)

    index = np.argsort(Fit, axis=0)

    return fitness,index

# Sort the position of the Vulture according to fitness.

def SortPosition(X,index):

    Xnew = np.zeros(X.shape)

    for i in range(X.shape[0]):

        Xnew[i,:] = X[index[i],:]

    return Xnew

# Boundary detection function.

def BorderCheck1(X,lb,ub,dim):

        for j in range(dim):

            if X[j]<lb[j]:

                X[j] = ub[j]

            elif X[j]>ub[j]:

                X[j] = lb[j]

        return X

def rouletteWheelSelection(x):

    CS  = np.cumsum(x)

    Random_value = random.random()

    index = np.where(Random_value <= CS)

    index = sum(index)

    return index

def random_select(Pbest_Vulture_1,Pbest_Vulture_2,alpha,betha):

    probabilities=[alpha, betha ]

    index = rouletteWheelSelection( probabilities )

    if ( index.all()> 0):




    return random_vulture_X

def exploration(current_vulture_X, random_vulture_X, F, p1, upper_bound, lower_bound):

    if random.random()<p1:




    return current_vulture_X


def exploitation(current_vulture_X, Best_vulture1_X, Best_vulture2_X,random_vulture_X, F, p2, p3, variables_no, upper_bound, lower_bound):

    if  abs(F)<0.5:        

        if random.random()<p2:            






    if random.random()>=0.5:

        if random.random()<p3:






    return current_vulture_X

# eq (18) 

def levyFlight(d):  







    return o

AVO Algorithm

def AVA(pop,dim,lb,ub,Max_iter,fun):



    p1 = 0.6



    Gama = 2.5

    X = initial(pop, dim, lb,ub)                    # Initialize the random population 

    fitness = np.zeros([pop, 1])

    for i in range(pop):

      fitness[i] = CaculateFitness1(X[i, :], fun)

    fitness, sortIndex = SortFitness(fitness)       # Sort the fitness values of African Vultures

    X = SortPosition(X, sortIndex)                  # Sort the African Vultures population based on fitness

    GbestScore = fitness[0]                         # Stores the optimal value for the current iteration.

    GbestPositon = np.zeros([1, dim])

    GbestPositon[0, :] = X[0, :]

    Curve = np.zeros([Max_iter, 1])

    Xnew = np.zeros([pop, dim])

# Main iteration starts here

    for t in range(Max_iter):                       

      Pbest_Vulture_1  = X[0,:]                     #location of Vulture (First best location Best Vulture Category 1) 

      Pbest_Vulture_2  = X[1,:]                     #location of Vulture (Second best location Best Vulture Category 1)


      z = random.randint(-1, 0)

      #F= (2*random.random()+1)*z*(1-(t/Max_iter))+t3



# For each vulture Pi

      for i in range(pop):

        current_vulture_X = X[i,:]

        random_vulture_X=random_select(Pbest_Vulture_1,Pbest_Vulture_2,alpha,betha)   # select random vulture using eq(1)

        if abs(F) >=1:

          current_vulture_X = exploration(current_vulture_X, random_vulture_X, F, p1, ub, lb) # eq (16) & (17)         


          current_vulture_X = exploitation(current_vulture_X, Pbest_Vulture_1, Pbest_Vulture_2, random_vulture_X, F, p2, p3, dim, ub, lb) # eq (10) & (13)          

        Xnew[i,:] = current_vulture_X[0]

        Xnew[i,:] = BorderCheck1(Xnew[i,:], lb, ub, dim)

        tempFitness = CaculateFitness1(Xnew[i,:], fun)

# Update local best solution

        if (tempFitness <= fitness[i]):

            fitness[i] = tempFitness               

            X[i,:] = Xnew[i,:] 

      Ybest,index = SortFitness(fitness) 

      X = SortPosition(X, index)

# Update global best solution

      if (Ybest[0] <= GbestScore): 

        GbestScore = Ybest[0]

        GbestPositon[0, :] = X[index[0], :]


      Curve[t] = GbestScore

    return Curve,GbestPositon,GbestScore

Main code

rng = np.random.default_rng()

time_start = time.time()

pop = 2                     # Population size n

MaxIter = 300               # Maximum number of iterations.

dim = 20                    # The dimension.

fl=-100                      # The lower bound of the search interval.

ul=100                      # The upper bound of the search interval.

lb = fl*np.ones([dim, 1])

ub = ul*np.ones([dim, 1])

Curve,GbestPositon,GbestScore = AVA(pop, dim, lb, ub, MaxIter, fun) # Afican Vulture Optimization Algorithm

time_end = time.time()

print(f"The running time is: {time_end  - time_start } s")

print('The optimal value:',GbestScore)

print('The optimal solution:',GbestPositon)

View convergence curve

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot( Curve,color='dodgerblue', marker='o', markeredgecolor='dodgerblue', markerfacecolor='dodgerblue')

ax.set_xlabel('Number of Iterations',fontsize=15)


ax.set_title('African Vulture Optimization')

plt.savefig('image.jpg', format='jpg')


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